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Slack Integration

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’re excited to introduce our new native Slack integration, which allows you to connect a Slack workspace to each of your Noticeable projects. Once connected, you can configure which Slack channels will receive publication announcements, all based on your publication labels.

We’ve also made some changes to how integrations are presented. Some integrations, like Single Sign-On and Zapier, are still managed at the organization level, while some others, like Slack, are configured at the project level. That’s why you’ll find an “Integrations” link in the left-hand navigation both under “Project” and “Organization.”

To get started with the new Slack integration, follow these steps:

  1. In the left-hand navigation under “Project,” click on the “Integrations” link.

  2. On the project integrations page, find Slack and click "Connect."

  3. After linking Slack, you’ll be redirected back to Noticeable, where you can set up a "mapping."

Mappings define which Slack channel should receive publication announcements based on the labels of your publications. For instance, you can create a generic mapping to send all publications, regardless of their labels, to a designated Slack channel.

When you publish a new publication, you’ll see a new option in Step 3, “Summary,” called “Announce the publication on configured Slack channels." This option is automatically enabled if the draft status is removed and the publication hasn’t been announced on Slack yet.

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback!

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Updates for August 30, 2024

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We've deployed several internal updates over the past weeks. Here's a summary of the visible changes we've introduced:

  • The Emails section now includes a new Events category to list and analyze all email events, with details for each recipient, including subscription methods, reasons for undelivered emails, delivery times, and link clicks.

    Event access periods vary by plan:

    • Starter: last 24 hours.

    • Growth: last 7 days.

    • Business: last 31 days.

    • Enterprise: last 365 days.

  • Emails sent via Noticeable's native email feature now include a link for managing subscription preferences, allowing users to update their first and last names, but also to unsubscribe or resubscribe.

  • The unsubscribe link in emails now redirects to a confirmation page to prevent accidental unsubscribes due to some email security client proxies automatically following links.

  • The list of email subscribers on the Noticeable dashboard now defaults to sorting by creation time, then by last updated time.

  • The Noticeable dashboard pagination now allows you to select the number of rows per page and shows the current position as a range where possible.

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Introducing Iframe Embed Support

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’re thrilled to announce that Noticeable publications now support iframe embeds!

Previously, embedding was limited to a few video providers like YouTube and Wistia. Now, you can insert any embed page, making it incredibly useful for including forms, such as Typeform, directly into your Noticeable publications.

How to Add an Embed

  1. Copy your page URL: Ensure the page supports iframe embeds.

  2. Open a Noticeable publication for editing: Click the “+” icon in the edition toolbar.

  3. Paste and insert: In the dialog that appears, paste your URL in the field and validate by clicking the “Insert” button. That’s it!

Where It Works

  • Newspage and widgets: Embeds will render seamlessly.

  • Native email feature: A screenshot of the embed will be automatically generated and attached as a link since email clients don’t support embeds/iframes. When users click the image link, they will be redirected to the embed for further interactions.

As always, we welcome your feedback!

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Updates for April 4, 2024

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • Introducing an advanced feature for Newspages: now you can select publications to exclude from the default Newspage listing based on labels, such as labels for upcoming features. To access this feature, click on "Newspage" in the left navigation menu, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Advanced options".

  • Add a confirmation dialog to acknowledge the deletion of a featured image from a publication.

  • Add AutoSubmitted and Precedence headers when appropriate for emails sent by Noticeable to better manage email behavior.

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when duplicating a publication with a featured image; the copy was using the reference to the same featured image instead of creating a copy. Now, a duplicated publication no longer has any featured image.

  • Resolved a problem where the drag-and-drop functionality for files was not operating correctly on file input fields.

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Introducing Text Color Customization

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Get ready to color your communications! Our latest feature update adds a dynamic touch to your publication editor: now you can apply any color to your text, right from the toolbar.

Simply highlight your desired text and choose from a full spectrum of colors using the new color picker icon. It’s an ideal way to emphasize key points, match your brand's palette, or just add a personal touch to your announcements.

Dive into your editor today and see how a little color can make a big difference in your next publication.

Happy publishing!

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Auto-Translation for Multi-Language Publishing

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We're delighted to unveil our automatic translation feature for publications.

The "Duplicate" option you see alongside each publication in the listings has now evolved into "Copy to". Within this, you'll find a fresh option to instantly translate the title and content into the language of your choice.

If you're announcing in multiple languages, this is your new best friend. With our suggestion to create a distinct project for each language to ensure granular control over settings, transferring a publication to a different project with auto-translation has never been easier. A couple of clicks, a swift review, and it's all set for publishing!

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End User Authentication for Widgets

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’re excited to introduce end user authentication with Noticeable widgets.

End user authentication is a feature you can optionally integrate to verify the identities of your end users. This ensures that when end users engage with widgets, such as commenting, their identity is confirmed and secure from impersonation.

How does it function?

Noticeable employs Single Sign-On (SSO) tokens for this authentication process:

  1. On your server(s) side, you create an SSO token for each end user (using a secret we share).

  2. You pass this SSO token with our Javascript SDK before rendering any widget.

  3. Voilà! Your end user's identity is now securely authenticated with Noticeable widgets.

Note: While it's still possible to pass end user traits using our Javascript SDK as outlined in our various identification methods, this approach is no longer recommended.

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Support Email Option in Newspage Settings 📧

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

You now have the option to specify a support email address in your Newspage settings. If you choose to do so, this email will become the unified point of contact, replacing the individual email addresses of publication authors.

Opting for this feature offers a consistent point of contact for all your publications, making communication more streamlined. Plus, it allows for the privacy of your authors' email addresses to be maintained without having to edit each publication's details individually. Note that entering a support email address is optional."

How to enable?

  1. Go to "Newspage" in the left menu.

  2. Scroll to the "Customization” settings group.

  3. Find the field named "Email support," enter your email, and save.

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Introducing Nested Labels

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Managing labels for multiple products or filtering criteria can quickly become a headache. As your label list grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify the purpose of each label and filter effectively.

To solve this problem, we are excited to announce the release of Nested Labels, now available on our Business and Enterprise plans. With Nested Labels, you can create hierarchies within your labels by using a “/” in the name.

If you have labels with a common prefix, our system will automatically group them together. For example, if you have labels named Mobile version / 8.32 and Mobile version / 8.31, our system will recognize that they belong to the same category and create a label group for Mobile version. For instance, our Newspages automatically detect the hierarchies and display labels on the listing page by grouping labels by their prefix. This provides a more organized and streamlined experience for your team and customers.

Nested Labels also make advanced filtering more intuitive. Labels within the same group are treated as a logical OR, while labels from different groups/prefixes are treated as a logical AND when you select multiple labels for filtering.

In addition to Nested Labels, we want to highlight our flexible layout options. Our Newspage layout is customizable to fit your brand and design preferences. You can easily adjust colors, fonts, and other styling elements to create a unique look and feel for your Newspage.

Check out our live Newspage demo to see nested labels and custom design in action:

If you need help creating a custom layout, our team is here to assist you. We're happy to provide guidance and support to ensure that your Newspage looks and functions exactly how you want it to.

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