Noticeable Updates

Updates for November 7, 2024

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • In your project settings, you can now configure some default publication preferences, ensuring your team and you don’t overlook enabling or disabling specific options. These settings can still be customized per publication in the editing process at step 2, “Options,” under the “Behaviors” settings group.

  • When editing a publication, the text color picker now includes a text input displaying the current color in hexadecimal format, allowing you to enter your own color codes directly or copying the existing one.

  • Additionally, all images on the Newspage and Widgets now open in a modern, responsive lightbox, enhancing the mobile experience and including zoom functionality when needed. If a publication contains multiple images, they are displayed in a carousel within the lightbox, with mouse and keyboard controls for easy navigation.

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Updates for October 9, 2024

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • When a publication transitions from draft to published, if no prior email forwarding has occurred, the option to forward by email is automatically enabled in the user interface. The same applies for Zapier forwarding. This helps ensure that updates are sent through all configured channels.

  • The Zapier integration at the organization level has been improved, simplifying the creation and management of Zaps directly from the Noticeable dashboard.

  • You can now hide on your Newspage navigation labels that have no associated publications. To enable the option, open your Newspage settings, scroll down to the “Customization” settings group and click “Hide labels without publications from navigation”.

  • Support for Amplitude third-party analytics has been added.

  • Third-party analytics options have been moved to a dedicated subgroup for easier management:

  • A bug to paginate email subscribers in the Noticeable dashboard has been fixed.

  • Additional social network footer link options have been added to the Newspage settings, including Discord, Instagram, Slack, TikTok, and YouTube.

  • You can specify in what order social network footer link icons appear at the bottom of your Newspage.

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