Noticeable Updates

Help center πŸ’

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We are proud to announce the availability of our new Help Center. This last centralizes the most frequent questions we receive but also share tips and discuss advanced features. You can search by keywords and leave reactions. The content will expand with time.

If you have questions or need help, you can also reach us by chat on our pages or by email.

Widget auto refresh πŸ”„

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Are customers keeping your product pages opened for a long time without reloading? In such a situation the Noticeable Widget is now automatically refreshing its content every hour.

The auto refresh period is configurable. As for other Widget properties, you can set its value from your configuration page on Noticeable:

  1. Open a project from your dashboard.
  2. Select Widget in the sub-menu.
  3. Set your value in the Auto refresh field (in minutes).

or programmatically (in milliseconds):


The refresh period cannot be lower than 1 minute. If you want to disable the auto refresh feature, you simply need to set the value to -1.

Although requests are cached by a first class Content Delivery Network (CDN) by default, please note that reducing the auto refresh value will in most cases increase cache invalidations and thus affect your API calls quota.

Customizing Job title per project

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

A new version of the service has been deployed. It allows configuring your Job title per project. It is particularly useful in a multi language context where a project per language is used.

How to proceed

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Tap on the toothed wheel on the right side of the Job title field.
  3. Configure your Job title per project.
  4. Click on Save changes.

If you leave a field empty, your default Job title will be used.

Existing posts aren't updated with Job title updates. Only new posts reflect the changes. If you want to update the Job title associated with an existing post, simply edit the post and save it again.

Zapier-Noticeable Integration ⚑

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We're thrilled to announce that our Zapier Integration is now live.

Zapier is all about making your life easier through automation. It automates the connection between your Noticeable projects and the apps and services you already use to run your business or manage your audience. That means you don’t have to do as much of the heavy lifting.

If you want to automatically add Timeline subscribers to an email list or instantly post your Noticeable posts on social media, Zapier makes it happen πŸ™Œ

Automations are set up with Zaps. A Zap is made of a Trigger and Actions. For instance, when a new post is published in Noticeable (Trigger) then a new Tweet is automatically published with a link to the post (Action).

Zapier works with over 1,000 different connected applications, meaning that you can create and customize a huge range of automations to your heart's content. What's even more awesome is that no code is required!

Here are a few of the most popular Noticeable-Zapier automation templates you can set up right now:

This new Zapier integration works with any Noticeable plan, and you can find a list of the most popular Zap Templates from the Integrations section of any Noticeable project. Please note Zapier offers free accounts with a few automations included, and paid plans with more advanced functionality.

If you need help, we remain available at

Multiple language support πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Hola, ΒΏque tal? Was geht? Γ‡a va?

Your app or service is available in multiple countries and you want to improve customers engagement by sharing what's new in multiple languages? Noticeable now has full support for this purpose. You can write posts in Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, French, etc. there are no limits.

How does it work?

You simply need to create a dedicated project per language. Once created, you can override all default texts used on your project Timeline and Widget. There is an exception with texts related to date and time. These last are automatically translated based on the user locale that is detected on the browser.

Managing multi-language per project has several benefits: you can customize default texts but also labels, collaborator permissions and many other options.

Don't wait to share updates, your users will love you, we promise.

Links open in a new tab πŸ”—

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We have deployed a small but convenient improvement for links. From now on, links put in new posts will open by default in a new Tab (target is set to _blank). For performance and security reasons, the attribute rel="noopener" is automatically set.

Additionnally, HTML markup is now allowed in post content. This allows, when needed, a fine grain control over attributes used with links:

<a href="" title="Noticeable" rel="noreferrer" target="noticeable">Noticeable</a>

The changes apply to your Widget and Timeline but also with the Markdown editor on live preview.

User segmentation 🎯

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Noticeable allows keeping your users in the loop about your product. Thanks to the In-product widget, users are notified about new changes in the right context and at the right time. However, what if you schedule a maintenance for your product in Paris and you want to publish an update to users who are located in this city only? That's where user segmentation comes to the rescue :)

Segmentation is a seemingly simple but extremely powerful mechanism.

When you publish a post, you may define segmentation filters, aka segments:

Screenshot from 2018-07-24 12-53-48.png

Then, based on users who are browsing your pages, you simply need to configure the Widget with the desired segments. You can do it statically:


or dynamically:

document.addEventListener('noticeable-widget-created', function(e) {['Authenticated', 'Country:France']);

It's just that easy! Segmentation filters defined on posts need to match at least one segment configured with the Widget in order to be displayed.

Posts with no segmentation filters are displayed to all but posts with segments are displayed to users who match the segments only. Timelines do not display posts which are segmented.

You can also target a specific user if the user email or identifier is used as a segment value.

User segmentation is available with the Business and Agency plans starting Today.

New plans and prices πŸ’΅

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Introducing a plan for indie hackers was a frequent request we received these last days. Since we are continuously listening to feedback from our visitors and customers, we are happy to introduce a new Starter plan!

Capture d’écran de 2018-01-29 10-44-11.png

We also took the opportunity to adjust existing plans thanks to optimizations we made. In addition, we support customized plans: you can request additional projects, collaborators and API calls for any plans at a fixed price per month or year. If you are interested, please drop us an email.

Timeline subscribers management

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Noticeable allows collecting email from users who are interested in receiving updates by email. Until now, these subscriptions were forwarded to integrations and the total number displayed in your private Timeline configuration area. However, it was not possible to delete entries or get access to raw data.

Starting Today, we are happy to introduce a new page that enables subscriptions management. When you have at least one subscriber, you will notice a new icon that appears next to the subscriber count:

New Icon

Upon click on the icon, you get access to a new page that lists all subscriptions starting from the most recent. You can also delete subscriptions and download your entire list as a CSV file:
