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UTM Tag Support

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We are excited to announce that we now support UTM tags!

UTM tags, also known as Urchin Tracking Module tags, are small snippets of text automatically added to external links in all Noticeable components (i.e. emails, Newspage, Widgets).

They allow you to accurately track the source, medium, and campaign name for specific links, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. With this information, you can make informed decisions to optimize your campaigns and improve ROI.

Start using UTM tags today to take your tracking and analysis to the next level. Combined with a privacy-compliant web analytics solution such as Fathom, you will get all the traffic metrics you need.

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Improved Segmentation 🎯

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We are excited to announce an update to our segmentation feature that makes targeting content to specific widgets and Noticeable components even more user-friendly.

Now, you can set a specific segment at the publication level and define where it should be displayed, all without any coding required. This can be done with just a few clicks from the Noticeable dashboard, making it more simple and easy to target your content to specific areas of your website or application.

Advanced segmentation is still possible and requires minor coding as before, for those who want to create more complex targeting rules and deliver even more personalized content to users.

With these changes, you have even more flexibility and control over your content, making it easier to deliver engaging and relevant content to your users. Whether you're a content manager, marketer, or developer, these changes make it easier to drive better results from your website or application.

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Deprecations for December 24, 2022

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We are writing to inform you that several fields, mutations, queries, and types in our GraphQL API and Zapier integration have been deprecated and will be replaced with their equivalent after May 21, 2023.


  • The argument id has been renamed to projectId in project query.

  • The field creationTime has been renamed to createdAt.

  • The field posts in Project type has been renamed to publications.

  • The field updateTime has been renamed to updatedAt.

  • The mutation named createPost has been renamed to createPublication.

  • The mutation named deletePost has been renamed to deletePublication.

  • The mutation named updatePost has been renamed to updatePublication.

  • The query named post has been renamed to publication.

Zapier Integration

  • The output field with the key creationTime has been renamed to createdAt.

  • The output field with the key updateTime has been renamed to updatedAt.

  • The output field with the key publicationTime has been renamed to publishedAt.

Please make sure to update your code or integrations to reflect these changes to avoid any disruptions.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact us directly.

Have a great holiday season! πŸŽ„

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Retrieving and Subscribing to Publication Comments

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Today, we're introducing new ways to retrieve and subscribe to publication comments so that you can easily include feedback you receive in your existing workflows or pipelines.

These new features complement the existing notification system, which sends an email to all Noticeable project collaborators who have opted to receive notifications whenever a publication comment is authored by one of your users.

The first addition is a new Zapier trigger that, once configured with a Zap, allows you to subscribe to publication comments and receive instant comment payloads that you can forward, handle, and/or process with any of the 5000+ other Zapier integrations:

The second change is the addition of new queries and fields in our GraphQL API to retrieve publication comments:

  • We've added a query to list all comments in a given project:

    publicationComments(projectId: ID!): PublicationCommentConnection

  • We've added a query that returns publication comments for a given project and comment identifier:

    publicationComment(projectId: ID!, commentId: ID!): PublicationComment

  • The Publication type now includes an optional comments field that can be used to list comments for the publication in question.

Sample queries are available on our playground

You will also notice that all post-related mutations, queries, and types have been deprecated and renamed to publication. Another announcement about these changes will follow in the next few days, but don't be afraid of deprecations - they will remain for at least 4 months before being removed.

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Emails Preview

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

A new option has been added to send a copy of any publication email to you or all project collaborators, in 2 clicks. That’s a great way to check how such emails render in your mailbox before sending them to a wider audience.

You will find the option while editing a publication, in step 3 β€œSummary”:

Upon clicking on the preview link, a dialog appears to select the recipient and customize the prefix to use for the email subject. You just need to click on β€œSend” to confirm sending a preview email:

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Newspage SEO Tags Customization

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

It is already possible to customize SEO tags per Newspage publication. Today, you can do the same thing for your Newspage home page.

You can define a custom title page, description, and canonical URL. To improve the display and usability of your links on social media you can even set a custom Open Graph and Twitter Card title, description, and image.

To access the options, open a project on the Noticeable dashboard, click on β€œNewspage” in the left navigation and scroll down to the new subgroup entitled β€œSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)”:

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Custom MAIL FROM Domain

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’re proud to announce that you can now configure a custom MAIL FROM domain for emails sent by Noticeable. This helps improve deliverability and trust.

The configuration requires a few steps:

  1. Click on β€œEmails” in the left navigation on the Noticeable dashboard.

  2. Open the β€œEmail domains” settings group and click β€œAdd domain”.

  3. In the dialog that appears enter your company email domain (e.g. and click β€œContinue”.

  4. At this stage, you are asked to add a set of DNS records to your domain’s DNS provider. These records are required to prove that you own the domain. Once done, click β€œVerify”.

Upon verification, your domain is automatically activated and emails you send now appear as coming from your company domain:

Note that Noticeable follows industry standards and once the configuration is completed, your emails are authenticated, thus passing DMARC and SPF verifications.

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Updates for July 13, 2022

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • Added options to select whether you want to track links and/or opens (both are enabled by default) for emails sent by Noticeable:

  • Click counts on CTA buttons embedded in emails sent by Noticeable are now collected appropriately.

  • Double opt-int subscriptions is the default. Switching to single-opt for subscriptions now requires to be on the Business plan or above.

  • Fixed a bug preventing organizations on the Free, Starter and Growth plan to update some basic widget settings without upgrading to the Business plan.

  • Similarly to draft publications, metrics for scheduled publications are no longer collected until the publication time is in the past.

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Newspage Search πŸ”

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Newspages now include a search field that enables full-text search. You can easily find publications based on your own terms. Search applies to publications’ author name, content, and title.

Note that you can combine search terms with label selection to further filter results.

Besides, all sentences related to the new search feature are fully customizable from the Noticeable dashboard:

  1. Select Newspage on the left navigation.

  2. Open the Phrases settings group.

  3. Click the Search category and apply the changes you need:

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