Updates for February 1, 2022
February 1st, 2022 at 4:15 PM
An option to download user feedback as CSV has been added.
You can control per Newspage and per Widget whether the user feedback form should display and require fields to collect email and name.
Each user feedback now includes the page from where the feedback was collected via a field called Referer. There is also a new field named Origin that indicates from what Newspage or Widget feedback was collected.
The top-banner widget includes a new option named Position to move and stick the banner to the top or the bottom of your page with a single click.
When you duplicate a post, its publication date and time are automatically set to the current date and time. Expiration time and archive status are also removed if they were set.
An issue impacting accounts that were updating their default profile image was fixed.
The issue returning “Internal Server Error” upon email subscription on Newspages has been fixed.
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