Multiple language support 🇫🇷 🇪🇸🇺🇸
February 23rd, 2018 at 7:00 AM
Hola, ¿que tal? Was geht? Ça va?
Your app or service is available in multiple countries and you want to improve customers engagement by sharing what's new in multiple languages? Noticeable now has full support for this purpose. You can write posts in Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, French, etc. there are no limits.
How does it work?
You simply need to create a dedicated project per language. Once created, you can override all default texts used on your project Timeline and Widget. There is an exception with texts related to date and time. These last are automatically translated based on the user locale that is detected on the browser.
Managing multi-language per project has several benefits: you can customize default texts but also labels, collaborator permissions and many other options.
Don't wait to share updates, your users will love you, we promise.