We are writing to inform you that several fields, mutations, queries, and types in our GraphQL API and Zapier integration have been deprecated and will be replaced with their equivalent after May 21, 2023.


  • The argument id has been renamed to projectId in project query.

  • The field creationTime has been renamed to createdAt.

  • The field posts in Project type has been renamed to publications.

  • The field updateTime has been renamed to updatedAt.

  • The mutation named createPost has been renamed to createPublication.

  • The mutation named deletePost has been renamed to deletePublication.

  • The mutation named updatePost has been renamed to updatePublication.

  • The query named post has been renamed to publication.

Zapier Integration

  • The output field with the key creationTime has been renamed to createdAt.

  • The output field with the key updateTime has been renamed to updatedAt.

  • The output field with the key publicationTime has been renamed to publishedAt.

Please make sure to update your code or integrations to reflect these changes to avoid any disruptions.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact us directly.

Have a great holiday season! 🎄