Noticeable Updates

Custom CSS

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO


It is now possible to inject your own Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in your project Timeline. You can even override Noticeable’s predefined styles.

The option is available right now with the Enterprise plan. Simply open your project Timeline configuration page, then click on the new "Custom CSS" option from the side bar:

Screenshot from 2018-07-12 14-52-35.png

Below are some usage examples:

  • Increasing the font size:
body {
    font-size: 120%;
  • Adding a colorful banner on top of your Timeline:
body {
    border-top: 5px solid $project-accent-color;
  • Making labels monochrome:
 .label {
    background-color: #777 !important;

Noticeable-Zapier 2.0 ⚑

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO


We are thrilled to announce the second version of our Zapier integration. It includes new triggers and actions.

What's new?

You can trigger an action to external services when a post is deleted (new Post Deleted trigger). That's a simple solution to keep posts visible for a specific period of time with no code!

Besides, we have added 2 new actions: Create Subscriber and Delete Subscriber. Let's say you are already managing a mailing list with Mailchimp or another service, these new actions allow keeping in sync your existing list with your Noticeable Timeline subscribers.

What's changed?

Post creation and edition are now triggering 2 different events. In addition, you have the choice to trigger an action when the post that is created or edited is a draft, published, scheduled, or has any of these statuses. The default option is published.

What about existing Zaps?

If you already had a Zap configured, you should have received an email claiming that version 1.0.8 of our integration has been deprecated. You have until September 1, 2018 to upgrade to version 2.0.0. One month after this date, triggers configured with a version lower than 2.0.0 will have no guarantee to be executed.

Look at our guide to upgrade your existing Zaps in no time.

Custom Favicons

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

A favicon is a small graphic that appears to the left of the page title but also in bookmarks. Having an image related to your brand is for users a strong indicator that they came to the right place, which can be reassuring in a sense.

Furthermore, favicons save time to your users: when you look at a web page, your eyes notice an image before the text surrounding it.

Screenshot from 2018-06-27 13-35-08.png

Starting Today, we are happy to offer the possibility to set your own favicon per project Timeline. Existing projects have been updated to include a favicon based on their logo.

If your Timeline doesn't have a logo or favicon yet, be sure to upload one from your project configuration page.

Multiple widget updates πŸš€

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We have made several improvements to the Widget:

  1. Its definition is smaller. Fewer data to fetch, less time to first display. The Widget is now speedier than ever πŸ—²

  2. Setup instructions have been updated to reference a new script element. Instead of 4 line of codes, a single is now required to import the Widget definition:

    <script async defer src=""></script>

    The async and defer attributes guarantee the content is loaded in parallel and executed after your page is parsed, no matter where the import is placed in.

    Although we recommend switching to the new import script, old ones remain available but are deprecated.

  3. Unread posts displayed in the Widget popup now include a left border. This allows distinguishing unread messages from read ones:

    Noticeable Widget Updates

    The color of the left border is based on the project accent color but can be changed programmatically. You can set it transparent to mimic the old style:

            noticeable-widget {
                --noticeable-widget-popup-entry-unread-border-color: transparent !important;
  4. Widget but also Timeline code snippets are rendered with the Atom One Dark style to improve readability.

GraphQL API updates ✏️

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We have updated our API to support posts edition and deletion.

Please have a look at the API overview page for explanations about how to consume the API (authentication required).

We also took the opportunity to create a public repository that provides samples for the most common operations. If you need help with integration, do not hesitate to drop us a message πŸ™‹

Last but not least, our GraphQL schema is now documented.


Filtering posts πŸ”

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Do you have a lot of posts? are you managing posts with different labels? do you want to display draft posts only? segmented posts?

Today, we have deployed a new version of the service that allows filtering posts in your projects dashboard per status (draft, published, scheduled, segmented) and labels. Both filtering criteria can also be combined to perform fine grain filtering.

Posts filtering

We want to make Noticeable work for you, and therefore your feedback is important to us. Feel free to contribute to our public roadmap with new ideas πŸ’‘

Help center πŸ’

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We are proud to announce the availability of our new Help Center. This last centralizes the most frequent questions we receive but also share tips and discuss advanced features. You can search by keywords and leave reactions. The content will expand with time.

If you have questions or need help, you can also reach us by chat on our pages or by email.

Customizing Job title per project

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

A new version of the service has been deployed. It allows configuring your Job title per project. It is particularly useful in a multi language context where a project per language is used.

How to proceed

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Tap on the toothed wheel on the right side of the Job title field.
  3. Configure your Job title per project.
  4. Click on Save changes.

If you leave a field empty, your default Job title will be used.

Existing posts aren't updated with Job title updates. Only new posts reflect the changes. If you want to update the Job title associated with an existing post, simply edit the post and save it again.

Zapier-Noticeable Integration ⚑

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We're thrilled to announce that our Zapier Integration is now live.

Zapier is all about making your life easier through automation. It automates the connection between your Noticeable projects and the apps and services you already use to run your business or manage your audience. That means you don’t have to do as much of the heavy lifting.

If you want to automatically add Timeline subscribers to an email list or instantly post your Noticeable posts on social media, Zapier makes it happen πŸ™Œ

Automations are set up with Zaps. A Zap is made of a Trigger and Actions. For instance, when a new post is published in Noticeable (Trigger) then a new Tweet is automatically published with a link to the post (Action).

Zapier works with over 1,000 different connected applications, meaning that you can create and customize a huge range of automations to your heart's content. What's even more awesome is that no code is required!

Here are a few of the most popular Noticeable-Zapier automation templates you can set up right now:

This new Zapier integration works with any Noticeable plan, and you can find a list of the most popular Zap Templates from the Integrations section of any Noticeable project. Please note Zapier offers free accounts with a few automations included, and paid plans with more advanced functionality.

If you need help, we remain available at