Noticeable Updates

Boost for Newpage Custom Domains πŸš€

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We have introduced a technical enhancement that elevates speed, security and the ease of configuring custom domains for your Newspages.

Previously, if you wanted to use a custom domain like for your Noticeable Newspage, you were required to set up two DNS records: a TXT record to verify domain ownership and another to link to Noticeable's servers.

As of now, Noticeable utilizes Cloudflare's extensive global infrastructure for managing custom domains, simplifying the process. The need for a TXT DNS record for domain verification is eliminated. If you've previously set up a TXT record beginning with _noticeable, it's now safe to remove it. You'll only need a single CNAME record pointing to, which you likely already have if you've configured a custom domain before.

Leveraging Cloudflare's infrastructure enhances the speed of HTTPS certificate issuance for your custom domain and reduces network latency with its presence in over 250 regions worldwide. Additionally, loading times get a boost from early hints support, and security is strengthened with the enforcement of at least TLS 1.2 and support for TLS 1.3.

It's important to note that Cloudflare employs the Google Trust Services certificate authority for signing TLS certificates. If you encounter an ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error with your custom domain, it might be due to CAA DNS records that don't include on your parent domain. Adding to your CAA records and initiating a custom domain verification through the Noticeable dashboard should resolve the issue:

  1. Open the Noticeable Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to β€œNewspage” in the left menu.

  3. Under β€œBasic & Custom Domain”, and click on β€œVerify Domain”.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to share your feedback below or drop us a line.

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Newspage SEO Tags Customization

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

It is already possible to customize SEO tags per Newspage publication. Today, you can do the same thing for your Newspage home page.

You can define a custom title page, description, and canonical URL. To improve the display and usability of your links on social media you can even set a custom Open Graph and Twitter Card title, description, and image.

To access the options, open a project on the Noticeable dashboard, click on β€œNewspage” in the left navigation and scroll down to the new subgroup entitled β€œSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)”:

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Newspage Search πŸ”

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Newspages now include a search field that enables full-text search. You can easily find publications based on your own terms. Search applies to publications’ author name, content, and title.

Note that you can combine search terms with label selection to further filter results.

Besides, all sentences related to the new search feature are fully customizable from the Noticeable dashboard:

  1. Select Newspage on the left navigation.

  2. Open the Phrases settings group.

  3. Click the Search category and apply the changes you need:

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User Feedback πŸ“£

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Last week we announced Emoji Reactions. Today, we are excited to introduce User Feedback!

This new feature allows your users to send you feedback by commenting on a post, directly from your Widget or Timeline. Comments are hidden, meaning users won’t be able to see others’ comments. Only your team and you are able to read messages and get users information.

How does it work?

User feedback is available with the Business plan. When creating a post, check the new User feedback option to enable the comment input below the post shown to users.

On your project dashboard, each post displays a feedback icon that summarizes the number of comments you received. Upon click, you can read the messages and get detailed information about the user who submitted the feedback:

User Feedback

By default, comments are anonymous. You can automatically link users name and email with comments sent from the Widget by using our SDK. Read the installation guide for more information.

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