Updates for April 20, 2022

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • Due to recent abuses to trigger spam notifications to our customers by automating feedback creation from Newspages or Widgets, we added a rate limit to a set of actions. This should not affect legitimate usage. However, if you are still experiencing spam, please drop us a line below or via email.

  • The widget trigger of type “None” is now supporting automatic widget opening. This means that if you create for example a modal widget with “None” as trigger, and publish a new publication with the option “Automatically open widgets when the publication is new” in order to automate the opening of your widget, then your modal widget will now automatically open to users who have not already seen the publication.

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Announcing Native Email Sending

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’re excited to announce native email sending.

You are wondering what is behind this announcement? that’s the ability to forward Noticeable publications to your subscribers by email in one click:

Our goal is to make the publication of your updates but also the management of your audience easier.

Native email sending is currently under development. A minimal set of features is available at this time but we’re actively working on expanding the scope.

You can request access by clicking on the button below or dropping us a line by mail. Note that only customers on a paid plan and with an active subscription are accepted to join the preview.

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Updates for February 15, 2022

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • Newspage Atom and RSS feeds have been improved and pass W3C validation. We’ve also added support for JSON feeds. Here is an example for the Noticeable Newspage:


  • In preparation for a new feature, we deployed changes to the GraphQL API:

    • Email subscription statuses ARCHIVED and CLEANED have been deprecated and will be deleted after May 14, 2022. Instead, you should use new dedicated input arguments and output fields.

    • Input arguments isArchived and status have been added respectively to email subscription update and create mutations.

    • Email subscription data returned with mutations now includes isArchived, isCleaned and status output fields.

    • Fields deprecated since more than 6 months have been deleted.

  • Changes similar to the GraphQL API have been released to the Noticeable-Zapier integration. If you have active Zaps, an update might be required. In that case, you should have received an email from Zapier.

  • Examples for listing, fetching, creating, deleting, and updating email subscriptions using the API have been added to our GraphQL playground page.

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Updates for February 1, 2022

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • An option to download user feedback as CSV has been added.

  • You can control per Newspage and per Widget whether the user feedback form should display and require fields to collect email and name.

  • Each user feedback now includes the page from where the feedback was collected via a field called Referer. There is also a new field named Origin that indicates from what Newspage or Widget feedback was collected.

  • The top-banner widget includes a new option named Position to move and stick the banner to the top or the bottom of your page with a single click.

  • When you duplicate a post, its publication date and time are automatically set to the current date and time. Expiration time and archive status are also removed if they were set.

  • An issue impacting accounts that were updating their default profile image was fixed.

  • The issue returning “Internal Server Error” upon email subscription on Newspages has been fixed.

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Widgets Custom CSS and JS

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’ve added support for widgets code injection. This allows customizing iframes (injected on your page when you load a Noticeable Widget) with your own CSS and JavaScript:

Widgets code injection is an advanced feature that requires coding knowledge. Besides, it is available on the Business and Enterprise plans only.

That’s also the time for us to thank you for an incredible and active 2021. See you in January, and have a wonderful holiday season!

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Dashboard Notification Preferences

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We’ve introduced new notifications and a dedicated section on the Noticeable dashboard to control your preferences. You can define whether you want to receive:

  • announcements by email for new Noticeable product updates.

  • daily email reports for new emoji reactions.

  • an email for each new user feedback.

  • a reminder to write a publication after a given period elapsed.

Each organization and project collaborator can configure its own preferences. When it makes sense, you can control preferences per project. For instance, this is useful when you manage multiple projects for multi-language purposes.

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Modal Widget

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

We did it! You now have access to a whole new type of widget: the modal one.

Using a modal widget, you can announce your product changes or deals in front of your users. In contrary to the popup or top banner widget, full publications content is displayed when the widget is opened.

As a trigger to open a modal widget you can select among the ones we already propose with other widgets: custom, floating button, icon, text + badge, or none.

If you prefer to use no triggers and automatically open a modal widget when you publish a new publication, that’s possible. To do so, while editing a publication on step 2, “Options”, enable the switch option “Automatically open widgets when the publication is new”:

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RTL languages support

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

Only some languages in the world use Right-To-Left (RTL) text direction, but these languages cover over a billion people. This added to the fact we received recurrent requests to support RTL text direction in the last weeks, we decided to add support for RTL languages.

RTL is now fully supported on Newspages and all Widgets!

We also include limited support with our dashboard. The support is said limited with our dashboard because the user interface remains in English and RTL is enabled for the content you input only (e.g. a publication title or content).

You are probably wondering how to activate RTL? The only action to perform is to set your project language in your project settings. From the selected language, we are able to deduce if your project requires RTL support. If that’s the case, then Noticeable components adapt automatically: HTML layout, text direction, date and time format, styles, etc.

Default phrases on Newspages and Widgets do not translate automatically but you can customize them with your own words, and thus language, from our dashboard.

In case you write any of Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Urdu, or any other RTL languages, we would really like to hear about your experience. Drop us an email or send us your feedback in the form below.

Newspage Example

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Updates for August 24, 2021

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO
  • We’ve added a new option to set a link on the title of a top-banner widget (in addition to or replacement of a CTA button). When enabled, you can either redirect to the publication on your Newspage or the URL of your choice:

  • When defining a custom URL (for instance in a CTA button while configuring your publication on step 2 Options, or with the title link of your top-banner), you can now use the placeholder {publication_slug} inside your URL to create a dynamic redirection. The placeholder is automatically replaced by its corresponding value when the URL is created.

  • The live widget editor on the Noticeable dashboard now includes a dark mode to better visualize your widgets when using light colors:

  • The top-banner vertical padding set on mobile devices has been decreased to improve the aesthetic.

  • An issue preventing the Newpage embed widget to load on mobile devices has been fixed.

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