Okta Integration

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO

In early February, we launched support for Single Sign-On (SSO). Today, we are going further and are proud to provide an official integration with Okta: Noticeable appears in the Okta catalog as a verified app with OIDC and SAML support.

One of the main targets for cyber-criminals is your username and password. Each time you log in to a new application, it provides more opportunities for hackers. SSO reduces these chances by only requiring one set of credentials and only logging each user in once per day. Furthermore, using Okta, your company can enforce the use of strong passwords but also custom policies to better protect your organization’s assets.

Single Sign-On is available on our Enterprise plan with unlimited collaborators. Drop us a line if you are interested in giving it a try or want to upgrade.

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Updates for May 6, 2021

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO


  • Added support for text color customization with labels. When creating or editing a label, you can now set a custom text color using the color picker or the hexadecimal notation.


  • Added support for the creation of links that include any scheme (e.g mailto:).

  • Fixed an issue causing the cursor to move at the top of the editor while editing a publication on Safari.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the creation of publications through the GraphQL API when no segments are specified and an organization account is on the Growth plan.

  • Fixed an issue flagging some Newspage pages as insecure on Firefox due to some Gravatar images being served using http instead of https.

  • Improved the display on the Noticeable dashboard of project logos not respecting the recommend 1:1 ratio.

  • Inserting inline-code using Markdown back ticks (`) now has better support for underscore (_) character input.

  • Pressing Enter while editing a list item is now creating a new list item instead of a line break.

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Updates for April 22, 2021 🐛

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO


  • Editing a publication for adding a link was not triggering a save upon click to “Continue”.

  • Updating a draft publication title is now updating its slug. Previously, you had to update the publication slug manually after a title change, even if the publication was not yet published.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Noticeable Embed Widget to show in the preview editor when a custom selector was defined.

  • Fixed a line wrapping issue with very long publication titles displayed on the publication list.

  • Fixed subscribers search input field not working on Firefox.

  • Fixed an issue that was erasing publication content upon saving when images with data URLs were included. An error message is now displayed in the editor and saving works properly.

  • Fixed concurrent edition warning box not disappearing upon conflict resolution.


  • Uniformized Call-To-Action (CTA) button style to be the same as the one used with Newspages.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Noticeable Widgets to load on pages with custom Content-Security-Policy (CSP).

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Updates for April 1, 2021 📑

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO


  • Fixed a cache invalidation issue preventing expired and scheduled publications to refresh on time.

  • Fixed a CORS issue happening due to a cache invalidation problem when loading Noticeable widgets after somebody manually opens internal data URLs in a browser.

  • Fixed a widget refresh issue happening sometimes on Safari upon the first load.

  • Fixed private Newspages not working as it should when used with the Noticeable embed widget.


  • Added a link to move back from the Newspage subscribe page.

  • Added highlight icons in the Noticeable dashboard publication list to better differentiate between archived, expired, pinned and scheduled publications while providing additional information:

  • Noticeable widget popup content scrollbar is now having a modern style on Chrome.

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Updates for March 16, 2021 🗞

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder and CEO


  • Fixed an issue preventing Newspages to display properly when a project label used in a publication was deleted.

  • Author profile images using Gravatar are now served over HTTPS.



  • Fixed hashtags placeholder that was using label identifiers as a value instead of label slugs.

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API and Timeline slowdown

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Recently, some of you may have noticed a temporary slowdown with the API and the Timeline pages. The problem was coming from one of our database providers. We apologize for the inconvenience. The issue is now resolved.

Noticeable status information is available on the next page:


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Zoomable Images

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Adding images is crucial to make your product updates more appealing. By default, published images are automatically sized for the container that displays your product update (e.g. Widget or Timeline).

Although automatic shrinking is a visual requirement, this may be an issue when you want to draw special attention to details on an image. For this reason, we’ve made published images automatically zoomable when their natural size is larger than their container.

Click on the next image for a live sample:
Zoomable Images

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Youtube Playlists & Wistia

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

Noticeable updates you write can already embed a Youtube, Videopress, Vimeo or Vine video. Starting Today, we also support Wistia and Youtube Playlists!

As before, just drop your video URL and it is automatically transformed into a player. Here is an example:

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Playground API Explorer

by Laurent Pellegrino, Founder & CEO

We’ve refreshed our GraphQL API explorer to use Playground.

The API explorer is a great companion for development and testing purposes. The new Playground interface simplifies advanced integrations with Noticeable by providing:

  • Pre-filled examples to fetch project and post data but also templates to create, update or delete posts.
  • An interactive, multi-column schema documentation.
  • Better iterative testing with query history.
  • One click export to cURL command.
  • Requests tracing to understand where time is spent and how to reduce timings for your queries.

Here is a link to give a try using a sample Access Token:


Last but not least, you will also notice better response times thanks to some tweaks we applied to our infrastructure.

If you have questions or suggestions drop us a line.

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