Updates for August 23, 2022
August 23rd, 2022 at 9:30 AM
Disposable email addresses are no longer accepted upon email subscriptions. For this purpose, we created an open source project aggregating disposable email domains daily. Contributions and stars on Github are welcome ;)
Project administrators have a new option on the Noticeable dashboard to resend a confirmation email to subscribers who have a non-verified email address when double opt-in is used.
We added options to easily configure Newspage analytics collection using Cloudflare or Fathom, in addition to Google Analytics which is known for privacy issues.
We fixed an issue preventing metrics collection on email subscribers created before the email feature preview was available.
When you hover the relative publication date and time of a publication from the publication list on the Noticeable dashboard, a tooltip showing the absolute date and time is now displayed.
When you open the sidebar to get details about an email dispatch, it displays the recipient email address if the dispatch is about an email subscription confirmation, and the publication ID if the dispatch is related to a publication.
When a publication is duplicated, the user who performs the action is now set as the author of the publication.
There is a new option in Newspage settings (Newspage > Customization > Display a search form) to remove the search form from your page.
The search form on Newspages is now automatically submitted when the input field is focused out.
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